Theoretical precisions about guilt subjectivation in criminal women
guilt, criminal woman, legal punishment, psychoanalytical clinicAbstract
In 1916 Freud wrote “Some Character-types met with in Psychoanalytic work”, where three character-types, that can be read as three structural moments of the criminal act relating to the guilt are developed. This Freudian conceptualization of the criminal brings problems either in epistemology as in the clinical work inside women in prisons. Following Freudian premise, it is possible to think that women would be determined a priorias an exceptional criminal, reason why women would lack of enough elements to experiment the guilt; in that way, giving a sense to penal punishment. This work proposes an approach to the femininity subjectivity searching the possibility to contribute to field of penitentiary treatment, starting with the premise about the imperiousness that person who commits a crime accept him/her-self as a responsible of his/her acts and accept his/her-self as a subject.
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