Man: center of his universe and of his truth: an approach to the idea of subjectivity in Lacan and Schopenhauer
truth, presentation, subject, fiction, reality, real, languageAbstract
Around a perceptible and experimental reality of the subject, a link between Lacanian psychoanaly-sis and Schopenhauerian philosophy can be established. For that reason, I intend to build on this text a simple relationship between the concept of <presentation>in Schopenhauer's thinking and the notion of <truth>in Lacan's theory, to finally show the subjectiveapproach that places man in a reality that is there for him and almost conditioned by him. According to Lacan, truthis located deep in the psyche and can be revealed in the sense that it can be recovered through language. In Schopenhauer's opinion, everything that belongs to the world is inevitably conditioned by the subject and existing only as presentation. In both thinkers, the objectivity of matter belongs to another field.
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