Winnicott and Heidegger: Opening up of world and co-being


  • Julieta Bareiro University of Buenos Aires



Winnicott, Heidegger, world, coexistence


This work integrates the research of the doctoral thesis defended at the Faculty of Psychology (UBA) and aims to establish a dialogue between Winnicott and Heidegger regarding the opening up of world and the others. Indeed, both thinkers, from their respective disciplines, have thought about the experience of being and existing. Winnicott from the field of psychoanalytic clinic and Heidegger from the hermeneutic phenomenology. The fact that opening up of world in the German philosopher is shared allows a better understanding of the maternal role in the Winnicottian child development process. From the statement that Dasein is essentially being with others, co-being, (Mitsein) and that others are there with the Dasein, it is conceivable that the development of the Winnicottian subjectivity has the trait of coexistence.

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Author Biography

Julieta Bareiro, University of Buenos Aires

Doctor in Psychology, University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Magistrate in Psychoanalysis, UBA, Graduate and Professor in Psychology, UBA. CONICET Postdoctoral Fellow. Member of research projects UBACYT and CONICET. Teacher in "Psychology, Ethics and Human Rights, Cát. II ”Faculty of Psychology, UBA (Argentina).


Bareiro, J.& Bertorello, A.(2010) Lógica de la diferencia y lógica de la alteridad. Sentido y sinsentido en Heidegger y Winnicott. En Anuario de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Psicología Vol. XVII. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Facultad de Psicología. pp. 275-282.

Davis, M.&Wallbridge, D.(1988) Límite y espacio: introducción a la obra de D. W. Winnicott. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Amorrortu editores.

Dreyfus, H. L. (1996) Ser-en-el-mundo. Comentario a la división I de Ser y Tiempo de Martin Heidegger. Santiago de Chile, Chile: Cuatro Vientos Editorial.

Heidegger, M.(1997) Ser y Tiiempo. Santiago de Chile, Chile: Editorial Universitaria.

Levin de Said, A.(2004) El sostén del ser. Las contribuciones de Donald W. Winnicott y Piera Aulagnier. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.

Winnicott, D.(1979) Escritos de pediatría y psicoanálisis. Barcelona, España: Laia.

Winnicott, D.(2006a) El hogar, nuestro punto de partida. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.

Winnicott, D.(2006b) La familia y el desarrollo del individuo. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Hormé.

Winnicott, D.(2006c) El niño y el mundo externo. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Hormé.



How to Cite

Bareiro, J. (2013). Winnicott and Heidegger: Opening up of world and co-being. Affectio Societatis, 10(18), 1–13.