Between art and psychoanalysis: melancholia in Edvard Munch


  • Mariana Rodrigues Festucci Ferreira Pontifical Catholic University of SP



art, psychoanalysis, melancholia, Edvard Munch


This text proposes a dialogue between the fields of Art and Psychoanalysis and their relationship with the pathos from the "pain of existence" in Edvard Munch. It is known that the "pain of existence" is present in all psychic structures, but it is sung at full power by the melancholic individual. In Edvard Munch, the "pain of
existence", more than being outlined in his work, is the fermenting component of his own life, his leitmotiv, as demonstrated in this paper that represents a summary of a research developed in the context of the specialization "Psychoanalysis and Language" at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP).
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Author Biography

Mariana Rodrigues Festucci Ferreira, Pontifical Catholic University of SP

PhD student in Clinical Psychology (Bolsa Cnpq) at USP; Invited professor of postgraduate studies in Psychoanalysis and contemporaneity at Centro Universitário Anhanguera de Santo André; Magister in Social Psychology (Capes portfolio) at PUC-SP, teach in the disciplines of Institutional Analysis and Psychoanalysis. Specialized in Clinical and Institutional Psychopegagogy by USCS; Specialization in Public Education Management by UNIFESP; Especialización en Psicología y Lingüística by PUC-SP - (training of specialist in Clinical Psychology); Complementary practice in Psychology at Home in PUC - SP. Specialist title in clinical psychology by el Consejo Federal de Psicología. Works in the areas of clinical and social psychology with a psychoanalytical focus. I promote a study group in Freud and Lacan, conferences and clinical supervision. Columnist of the blog Rede Caps.


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Lacan, J. (1998). Kant com Sade. In: Escritos.Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar (Publicado originalmente em 1963).

Lopez, H. (2007). Coleção Folha grandes mestres da pintura:Edvard Munch.Editorial Sol 90.

Quinet, A. (2009). Psicose e laço social: esquizofrenia, paranoia e melancolía.Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.

Sarks, I. (2008). Por detrás da tela.São Paulo: Escuta.

Soler, C. (2002). Inocência paranoica e indignidade melancólica. In. Quinet, A. Extravios do desejo:depressão e melancolía. Rio de Janeiro: Rios ambiciosos.

Tojner, P. E. (2004). Munch: in his own words.New York: Prestel.



How to Cite

Rodrigues Festucci Ferreira, M. (2015). Between art and psychoanalysis: melancholia in Edvard Munch. Affectio Societatis, 12(23), 32–50.

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