Subversion of the truth and the real as impossible in psychoanalysis: between enunciation and saying


  • Dominique Kahanoff CONICET, University of Buenos Aires
  • Matías Laje University of Buenos Aires



psychoanalysis, truth, real, impossible


This paper presents the difference between truth as a place and the real as impossible from the discourses proposed by psychoanalyst J. Lacan in his seminar from 1969-70. It attempts to place some coordinates to the position of the analyst in relation to truth, so that the effects of his/her interventions touch some of the symptom's real. It also proposes a difference between enunciation and saying, and it goes over the teaching of the Argentinian poet M. Ortiz and the French philosopher É. Chartier in order to elucidate what a subversion of the truth would be as a place in a discourse.

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Author Biographies

Dominique Kahanoff, CONICET, University of Buenos Aires

CONICET - University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Psychology.

Matías Laje, University of Buenos Aires

Research Fellow UBACyT – University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Psychology.


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How to Cite

Kahanoff, D., & Laje, M. (2016). Subversion of the truth and the real as impossible in psychoanalysis: between enunciation and saying. Affectio Societatis, 13(25), 192–202.