Ethics and clinic: between desire and putting-it-well




ethics, clinic, desire, putting-it-well, signifier


This paper seeks to account for the ethics that is at stake in the psychoanalytic clinic and shows that this is an ethics of desire and not of duty; i.e., an ethics that involves the subject's singularity. It is, therefore, a case-by-case clinic instead of a generalized clinic. To this end, it develops the articulation between desire and the subject's putting-it-well, with which it is established that the basis of psychoanalysis is the ethics that subscribes the particularity of the subject's desire. This is possible because desire is instituted in the signifier articulation, from the subject's relationship with the Other; thereby, the subject makes evident his/her desire and yields his/her singularity by means of speech, of putting-it-well.

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Author Biography

Fabián Becerra Fuquen, University of Santander

Psychologist. PhD candidate in Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires. Clinical training in Psychoanalysis at the Río de la Plata Clinical College, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Founding member of the Bucaramanga Psychoanalytic Group. Member of the Violence, Health and Society research group. Professor of the Psychology program at the University of Santander, UDES, Bucaramanga, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Becerra Fuquen, F. (2017). Ethics and clinic: between desire and putting-it-well. Affectio Societatis, 14(27), 227–237.