Learning nothing: a dialog between learning disability and mental anorexia in psychoanalysis





learning disability, mental anorexia, nothing, lack, desire


This paper presents the results of a research on the clinic of learning disability from a psychoanalytic approach in a dialog with the clinic of mental anorexia. It highlights that, similar to anorexia, in which nothing is eaten, in some learning disabilities the problem is not the impossibility to learn, but the fact that nothing is learned. For this reason, we develop nothingness as a concept and address other notions important to psychoanalysis, such as desire, lack, love, and object a. Some cases are used as an illustration of this; the main of them is the one of Ernest Kris, commented by Lacan, “the man of the fresh brains”.

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Author Biography

María Catalina León Suárez, Grupo Vértice S.A.S.

Psychoanalyst of children and adolescents. Graduated in Psychology and Pedagogy from the National Pedagogical University of Colombia, candidate for a Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis from the University of Buenos Aires. I work in the educational and social field.


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How to Cite

León Suárez, M. C. (2019). Learning nothing: a dialog between learning disability and mental anorexia in psychoanalysis. Affectio Societatis, 16(30), 83–96. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.affs.v16n30a04