The science and the subject of psychoanalysis: Galileo, Descartes and Lacan


  • André Fernando Gil Alcon Cabral Federal University of Minas Gerais



drive, subject, truth, material cause, modern science


This paper intends to debate to what extent the subject with whom psychoanalysis operates can be considered as the subject of science. Firstly, we consider Galileo and Descartes’ influence in understanding the mathematical formalism of modern science. In rationalism, the cogito represents the reciprocity between the mathematical being and the truth. Next, we interpret the concept of subject as an internal exclusion of object a, since the idea is to sustain the subject as incalculable. Thus, from a twist in modern science itself, the author presents truth as the cause of psychoanalytic science. It will be seen that Lacan formalizes the material cause from the division between knowledge and truth.

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Author Biography

André Fernando Gil Alcon Cabral, Federal University of Minas Gerais

PhD student in Psychology with an emphasis on Psychoanalytic Studies by the Graduate Program in Psychology at UFMG.



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How to Cite

Cabral, A. F. G. A. (2020). The science and the subject of psychoanalysis: Galileo, Descartes and Lacan. Affectio Societatis, 17(32), 105–126.