Nicknames as naming. Identification and constitution of subjectivity in adolescence
proper name and its function, name substitution-replacement, nicknames, laughter, humorAbstract
Arguments and cuttings are presented from an experience of research-intervention of psychoanalytical clinic orientation carried out in Colombia and Argentina (2013-2016) intending to explain how some City Youth Groups function as devices in the constitution of the subjectivity of the adolescents who are part of them. To that end, this paper discusses naming, proper name and its function, substitution of the name, laughter, and humor. By focusing on the substitution of the name with nicknames and its relationship with the constitution of subjectivity, it was found that the support of such relationship and impact is located in the imaginary order, as it happens with the proper name and its function, and that laughter with a display of humor, when nicknaming, is also related to that support.
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