The subject is not (without) the body: reflections on online treatments




body, tele-analysis, virtuality, setting, semblant, jouissance, subject


Starting from the question of the status of the body in virtual relationships, the debate on the relevance, necessity, and efficacy of distance psychoanalysis (online psychoanalysis, tele-analysis) is opened. The arguments that delegitimize this practice are addressed, such as the rigorousness of the setting and some “materialistic” readings of Lacan’s teaching. The use of the analyst’s body from Winnicott’s perspective is reviewed and confronted with Lacan’s proposal, in which the analyst is invited to occupy the position of the semblant. This proposal defines the subject as a jouissant substance whose materiality is a signifier. In conclusion, understanding the voice and the gaze as two forms of the body, it is possible to think that the conditions to carry out the analytical work are given, being the virtual encounter a tool that will make psychoanalysis possible in scenarios that were unthinkable in the past.

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Author Biography

Fabian Yesid García Valenzuela, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Psychologist, National University of Colombia. Aspiring specialist in clinical psychology with psychoanalytic orientation, University of Buenos Aires. Clinical psychologist private practice.


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How to Cite

García Valenzuela, F. Y. (2022). The subject is not (without) the body: reflections on online treatments. Affectio Societatis, 19(36), 1–17.