Transference Politics

Transference as an aesthetic phenomenon


  • Tonatiuh Gallardo Núñez INBAL



psychoanalysis, transference, politics, police


It seems to be common currency today to assert that psychoanalysis cannot be an apolitical practice. However, there is still a need to explore the implications of this assertion (in principle, it would be necessary to clarify that it is not psychoanalysis but psychoanalysts who should be the focus of attention). It would be enlightening for this case to use the classic models of the doctrine of international relations to start to configure the proposed articulation. Although these models are now outdated, they could shed light from a different perspective on the world of psychoanalysis. The division, then, between external policy and internal policy, on the one hand, and the subsequent fragmentation of the latter into what happens in clinical practice and what is carried out in psychoanalytic institutions would open up a whole new path of research. From this perspective, the phenomenon of transference represents a nodal point. To begin to settle the ground, in this text I take my time to observe a peculiar phenomenon: the relationship that has been established between Wagner's music and National Socialism. Music, as an aesthetic phenomenon (and, therefore: political), will allow me, from a parabolic exercise, to establish certain anchoring points between the studied model and the ways in which transference has been governed by psychoanalysts within groups (especially the incipient ones). To such an extent as to be able to institute a concept that could well shed light on what is happening today: the transference police.

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How to Cite

Gallardo Núñez, T. (2024). Transference Politics: Transference as an aesthetic phenomenon. Affectio Societatis, 21(41).