The psychology of the masses and analysis of the self in current discourse
identification, social bond, drive, psychological misery, capitalist discourseAbstract
Freud in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego acknowledges the danger related to identification with the embodied ideal, which in the masses leads to intolerance, persecution, and even eradication of difference. This was evident in Nazi Germany with the figure of the Fuhrer. In "Civilization and Its Discontents," he foresees another danger in the social organization of the United States, which he refers to as the psychological misery of the masses, whose characteristics can be assimilated to what Lacan develops as the capitalist discourse. The capitalist discourse removes the protection of the semblances that guide the subjects and erases the places from which to make a social bond, leaving the subject reduced to the enjoyment of the body without the other, different from how it was in the mass. It is concluded that nowadays there is a greater precariousness of social ties, established by the capitalist discourse that redoubles the impossibility of the union of bodies established by the sexual non-proportion.
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