Bare life and jouissance
bare life, biopolitics, jouissance, homo sacerAbstract
From the point of view that connects politics and psychoanalysis, the aim of this essay is to investigate the causes of the annihilation of the subject in the totalitarian regimes, making him a victim of power, reduced to a bare life.This question leads us to analyze the jouissance within the frame of a regime that proposes the unification of a universal jouissance. These questions are considered to be relevant in the field that makes possible the intersection between politics and subjectivity. The direct proposal of this essay is related to thought, by trying to bring thought into play, in conjunction with the concepts of jouissance and the annihilation of the subject in the totalitarian regimes. It deals with the articulation between thought and jouissance and uses these ideas like conceptual tools, with the aim of considering the subjectivity of the time.
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