Desarrollo musical en Antioquia: criterios de ejecución interpretativa de la obra pianística del compositor Gonzalo Vidal


  • Gustavo Adolfo Yepes Londoño University EAFIT


This article is a conclusive report of the research project "Criteria for interpretive performance of the pianistic work of Gonzalo Vidal (1863-1946)" completed in December 2005 at the EAFIT University, within the Cultural Studies Group (category A, Colciencias), subgroup Musical Studies. A previous project, carried out in association with professor Jairo E. Restrepo, at the University of Antioquia had added to the already published repertoire of the composer for piano (doctor Luis Carlos Rodríguez, Antología, Secretaía de Educación del municipality de Medellín). Essentially, it presents a general context of culture and, specifically, of music in the city of Medellín at the time around the change from the 19th to the 20th century; a review of world academic authorities on piano performance; a schematic analysis of a sample of Vidal's works; a study about the musical language that he uses in his piano work and some conclusions about the interpretive performance criteria for it, as well as a general criticism about the precision of the musical lexicon used in these matters of performance in the world.

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How to Cite

Yepes Londoño, G. A. (2015). Desarrollo musical en Antioquia: criterios de ejecución interpretativa de la obra pianística del compositor Gonzalo Vidal. Artes La Revista, 6(12), 59–75. Retrieved from



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