Research in the Context of University Art Training Programs: the Practices and Forms of Recognition
Arts research, university research, arts education, regulation, evaluation of research in artsAbstract
To differentiate between the processes of creation that are characteristic of various art forms in light of the schemas of university research, is understood as
a challenge from the moment that the university, particularly the Colombian,
received training programs for artists. This article presents an overview of the
discussions on the subject in academic and political settings.
|Abstract = 109 veces
PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 63 veces|
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Unesco (2006). International Standard Classification of Education:
ISCED-1997. Recuperado de:
How to Cite
Vélez Salazar, G. M. (2016). Research in the Context of University Art Training Programs: the Practices and Forms of Recognition. Artes La Revista, 12(19), 26–34. Retrieved from
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