Collection, cataloguing and edition of the musical works of the Antioquian composer Ramón Jaramillo Jurado


  • Jorge Alberto López Ortiz Universidad de Antioquia
  • Luis Carlos Rodríguez Álvarez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Carlos Ignacio Toro Tobón Universidad de Antioquia


Ramon Jaramillo Jurado, Colombian music, music in Antioquia, Antioquia opera, musical analysis, heritage recovery, research group Artes


This work seeks to document the life and work of the composer, conductor and
music educator Ramon Jaramillo Jurado (Rionegro,1906 - Bogotá, 1961), through
the collection, cataloging, musicological analysis and critical edition of his musical
works, many of which are under the care of the Casa de Cultura (House of Culture) of his hometown, in eastern Antioquia. He is a musician little-known by the Colombian public, and whose work shows him to be very interested in contributing to important works of musical heritage of the state and country...

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Author Biographies

Jorge Alberto López Ortiz, Universidad de Antioquia

Bachelor of Music Education, specialist in Arts and Master in Composition, from EAFIT University. Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Antioquia, and coordinator of the Bachelor of Music, Regionalization of the University of Antioquia

Luis Carlos Rodríguez Álvarez, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctor and surgeon from the University of Antioquia, Master in History from the National University of Colombia and candidate for a doctorate in Arts, University of Antioquia. Full-time general practitioner at the Doce de Octubre Hospital, occasional professor at the National University and full-time professor at the University of Antioquia.

Carlos Ignacio Toro Tobón, Universidad de Antioquia

Musician, with an emphasis in composition, EAFIT University and a Master's in Music from the same university. Professor of the music program at the University of Antioquia and coordinator of the Bachelor of Music program at said university.


Archivo Ramón Jaramillo, en custodia por la Casa de la Cultura Ricardo Rendón Bravo de Rionegro.

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How to Cite

López Ortiz, J. A., Rodríguez Álvarez, L. C., & Toro Tobón, C. I. (2016). Collection, cataloguing and edition of the musical works of the Antioquian composer Ramón Jaramillo Jurado . Artes La Revista, 12(19), 100–116. Retrieved from


