The validity of masterpieces. Guernica half a century after the death of its author



art and war, Guernica, Masterpiece, Picasso, Violence, War


In commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the painter Pablo Picasso, this essay takes up the oil painting Guernica that the artist made for the National Pavilion of Spain at the 1937 Paris International Exposition based on the aerial bombardment of the city that gives its name to the chart. A reading of the piece is made from a philosophical perspective to demonstrate the validity of the hermeneutic message today, reviewing in a synthetic way the history and genesis of violence and war in the human species. Through the text the extensive interpretive capacity of this painting is emphasized, which allows us to corroborate its status as a masterpiece. The final part of the writing reflects on the possibility of redirecting the belligerent attitude of man in order to humanize war conflicts.

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Author Biography

Juan David Chávez Giraldo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Doctor en Artes. Profesor titular Universidad Nacional de Colombia


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How to Cite

Chávez Giraldo, J. D. (2024). The validity of masterpieces. Guernica half a century after the death of its author. Artes La Revista, 21(28), 70–89. Retrieved from



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