Financial Plan as an integration tool to increase the profitability of the company Havana Club
financial plan, profitability, decision making, Havana ClubAbstract
The present investigation was developed in the company Havana Club International S.A. in order to determine what the conditions of its financial situation are. To this end, we were based on the repercussion of the financial statements and their analysis. The novelty is the fact that no study of this kind has been reported in the entity. The practical contribution consist in obtaining a group of recommendations to provide tools to the administration allowing to improve the control of its resources, planning, and foresee future situations aimed to the desired results of the entity, ensuring a better financial scenario. The methods used in the investigation to obtain the expected results were: abstract local method, economic statistical method, and monographic method; as well as different techniques like: documental analysis, data collection, literature review, content analysis, observation, and non-standardized interviews.
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