Financial statements consolidation in the Colombian public sector: convenience of carrying it out in the case of District Capital




public entities, international accounting regulations, consolidation, accounting, financial statements


After reviewing public accounting regulation in Colombia, complications in consolidation matters have been evidenced since three regulation frameworks were generated, which diverge among them. Hence, this work seeks to analyze each one of them in order to know the differences and thus determine the convenience of carrying out the consolidation of financial statements in the public sector of the District Capital. A qualitative methodology is used with the case study method, with documentary analysis tools and a survey applied to the companies that are the object of consolidation of the public entity. It was determined that the differences in the accounting treatments used by the companies do not generate great complexity to homogenize the information that is consolidated and thus it is advisable to carry out its consolidation.

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Author Biography

Irma Consuelo Díaz García , District Secretary of Finance

Dedicated to Irma, an exceptional woman in every way, a great human being, who provided important contributions to the construction of this document, generously sharing her knowledge and experience. Rip.


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How to Cite

Patiño Jacinto, R. A. ., Rueda Céspedes, F. ., & Díaz García , I. C. . (2020). Financial statements consolidation in the Colombian public sector: convenience of carrying it out in the case of District Capital. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (76), 135–158.




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