Promoting National Identity Through Sport in the Peruvian Educational System in Globalization Context University of the Incarnate Word
Peru, national identity, globalization, education, sports developmeAbstract
experiencing a big economic growth resulting in the decreasing of the poverty levels from 23% in 2002, to 11.5% in 2009. Despite this prosperity, access to education and a formal job is still unequal in the different social classes, ethnic groups or even genres. A Peruvianborn in the high Andes tends four times more to be poorer than one Peruvian born in Lima; Besides, it is three times more given not to finish high school.
These social differences do not contribute to the establishment of a united national identity. Therefore, the conformation of the Peruvianidentity is a topic in standby between the economic debacle, dictatorship and last decades' terrorism, as well as the yearning for better lifeconditions, a stronger social integration and a current cultural height. Thus, this article analyses the role of the sports in the process of generating national identity inside Peruvian education in the globalization context.
This article comes to the conclusion that politic, social and economic conflictsin Peru have not only delayed its national growth in the globalscene, but also stopped the development of a united national identity. However, this research holds that physical education and sport activitiescontribute to this one, under the logics of a comprehensive and multicultural globalized educational environment.
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