Time and territory, intervention categories of Recreation in School


  • Astrid Bibiana Rodríguez Cortés National Pedagogical University




Recreation, leisure, time, territory, pedagogy


This document is an advance of an investigation in progress about recreation in school. At the beginning of this research process in the year 2011, two categories appear: time and territory. To construct these two emergent categories, description elements and the basic ideas are provided to develop them in intervention categories.

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Author Biography

Astrid Bibiana Rodríguez Cortés, National Pedagogical University

Magister in Education. Faculty of Physical Education. Professor - researcher of the Bachelor of Recreation program at the National Pedagogical University.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Cortés, A. B. (2013). Time and territory, intervention categories of Recreation in School. Educación Física Y Deporte, 32(1), 1243–1251. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.efyd.16506



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