Problematics on the body of the socio-motor education: From the universal and complete subject to the particular and divided subject


  • María Valeria Emiliozzi National University of the Plata



Curriculum design, Praxeology, Archaeology, Body


The article tries to dive on the praxeology speech that goes through the new curriculum design of the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina). The tour on the speech will be carried out through Michel Foucault’s proposed archeology tools. The question about knowledge that the speech of the praxeology sustains will allow us to see the whole set of elements: objects, types of formula- tions, concepts and choices to set. To immerse us in the praxiological speech, to analyze the knowledge in which it is supported allows us to establish the type of practice that is being con- structed; as well as the supposed subject which gives us the initial clue to effect the problematic on the subject’s place in this bundle of relation- ships established by some knowledges. The critique will refer to the analysis of the limits and their reflection in relation to the subject, in what we are given us true, universal, and necessary in education from a certain constitution of knowing.

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Author Biography

María Valeria Emiliozzi, National University of the Plata

Master in Body Education and PhD candidate in Social Sciences. CONICET Fellow and Researcher of the National Incentive Program


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How to Cite

Emiliozzi, M. V. (2013). Problematics on the body of the socio-motor education: From the universal and complete subject to the particular and divided subject. Educación Física Y Deporte, 32(2), 1411–1418.



Research articles