"Aproximación a nuevos modelos de investigación en el currículo de Educación Física. Papel del profesor"
Currículo, knowledge, paradigm, thought, Didactics, education-learning, investigation, professional, professor, student, reflexive, values, autonomy, physical education, deport, positivista model, interpretativo model, scientific communityAbstract
From the didactic investigation, professor Carreiro Da Coast, considered one of the pioneers of the study of the thought and the beliefs of the teaching staff in the field of the physical education, makes, in this I articulate, a descriptive and critical approach to the models of curricular investigation in our field. Part for it, of a valuation of the profesoral roll in the formativa task, in as much, is this one that it would structure and would orient the educative process finally. This investigativa line in Physical education and Sport, raises, is an activity influenced by the conceptual perspective of the investigator and by the conceptual controversies and divergences that have characterized the scientific debate in social and human sciences. It suggests, which the education of the Physical education in its complexity, is a process that does not only articulate at behavior level, is a process, according to him, mediatizado by affective cognitivos factors and partner associated to the teaching staff and the pupils, influenced process contextually (classroom, school, community)Downloads
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