Termorregulación y Niñez: la lamentable realidad del futbol infantil


  • Patricio Fernández Etchemendi Profesor




Thermoregulation, heat expose, unstable thermal balance, contraindicates measurements


If heat disorders have a low frequency of appearance in subjects in paediatrics ages, it does not mean that children are not exposed to intense weather conditions and hard to stand for their thermoregulation immature system. In the children soccer case, few measurements are taking to treat and heal the thermal stress that these children are submitted, also it is evident the adoption of habits and organising decisions that increase the risk to regulate the healthy limits of corporal temperature. The present work proposes to describe the situation of this frame analyzing the group of “inappropriate practices” that are daily given in each children soccer encounter.

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Author Biography

Patricio Fernández Etchemendi, Profesor

Profesor en Educación Física, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Fernández Etchemendi, P. (2008). Termorregulación y Niñez: la lamentable realidad del futbol infantil. Educación Física Y Deporte, 26(2), 11–14. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.efyd.309



Research articles