Aprendizaje motor en adultos mayores
Motive learning, major adults, human development, physical education, vital cycleAbstract
The article consists of a critical reading of the critique of the bibliography one about the subject-matter of motive learning in major adult persons and his implications with the practices of the Physical Education. They are re-defined and conceptualized some concepts of essential interest in relation to the old age, the process of human aging and the subjects that it journey. It tries to be emphasized that some still current theories in our way approve the concept of human development with that of physical growth, to the detriment of the capacities of the biggest adult persons and subestimating the different motive possibilities that they possess. The reflections appear succinctly prepared from the bibliographical record: it is warned that the force of the myths and circulating credence our way they emphasize the alienation of many biggest adult persons of the corporal practices of the Physical Education, accentuating moreover the exclusion of this group of the social structures.
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