Determination of relative intensity from the hrmax, vo2max and speed in endurance sports
age, oxygen consumption, endurance sports, relative intensity, ventilatory thresholdAbstract
Objective: To determine the relative intensity of the ventilatory threshold (VT1 and VT2)from the indicators of maximum heart rate (HRmax), maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), and maximum aerobic speed (VAM), in young athletes based on theirsports specialty and age group. Method: The sample is composed of 400 athletes of both sexes from the Sports Technification Centre in Cheste (Valencia)classified into 3 age groups: <12-13, 14-16 and 17-20 years, from endurance sports disciplines: athletics (n = 134),swimming (n = 135), and triathlon (n = 131). The data were obtained from an incremental ergospirometry test on a ramp, following the Wasserman protocol. Result: The results derived from the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) indicate that, in the case of sports disciplines, as for age groups, significantdifferences (p <0.05) have been found in all the measured variables. Conclusion: Establishing the relative intensities allows planning the trainingwith the appropriate speeds and, therefore, with a character of the correct effort, not erroneous.
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