Influence of muscle mass in the VO2max in athletics, swimming and triathlon




anthropometry, oxygen consumption, sports specialty, muscle mass


Objective: To determine how the muscle mass of the lower and upper extremities influences the maximum volume of oxygen per kilogram of muscle mass (VO2max/Kgmus/min) in young athletes according to their sport specialty and age group. Method: The sample is composed of 400 athletes of both sexes from the Technification Center in Cheste (Valencia) classified into 3 age groups: <12-13, 14-16  and 17-20 years old, practicing endurance sports. The physiological data were obtained from an ergospirometry incremental ramp test (Wasserman protocol) and the anthropometric data from the ISAK protocol. Results: The results from the Variance Analysis (ANOVA) indicate that the physiological and anthropometric variables show significant differences for the specialty of track and field and triathlon, as well as triathlon and swimming (p <0,05) and for the group of <12 -13 and 14-16, and 14-16 and 17-20 years (p <0,05).

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Author Biography

Vicente Torres Navarro, University of Valencia

Master in High Performance Sports


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How to Cite

Torres Navarro, V. (2019). Influence of muscle mass in the VO2max in athletics, swimming and triathlon. Educación Física Y Deporte, 36(2), 193–218.



Research articles