Physical activity in guides working in Nevado del Ruíz, Colombia




exercise, physical activity, work, altitude, physical exertion, habits, behavior


The objective was to characterize physical activity in the guides of Nevado del Ruiz. A descriptive, prospective and integrated study was conducted in 18 guides with ages between 20 and 61 years, physical activity questionnaires, hygiene-preventive habits and stages of change were applied. The analysis of the results showed that 44% are sedentary and 55.6% are active, 88.9 uses sun protection, 61.1% always implemented hydration and in non-protective habits 77 8% does not palpate the heart rate. In the stages of change in behavior in higher percentage in preparation. It is concluded that the guides are in a moderate level of physical activity with an average >800 MET /minute/week and comply with the recommendations to perform physical activity according to frequency, duration and intensity. Finally, it is necessary to carry out didactic strategies for the appropriation of habits / protective practices for health, including general warm-up, return to calm and palpation of the heart rate.

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Author Biography

Éder Peña Quimbaya, University of Caldas

PhD in Human Motor Sciences by the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences. Professor University de Caldas, Research Group on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.


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How to Cite

Peña Quimbaya, Éder. (2018). Physical activity in guides working in Nevado del Ruíz, Colombia. Educación Física Y Deporte, 35(2), 379–402.



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