Kinematic Analysis of the Kizami Mawashi Geri Kick in Elite Karate Players




martial arts, biomechanical phenomena, task analysis and performance, lower extremity, range of motion articular


Objective. To describe kinematics characteristics of the Kizami Mawashi Geri (KMG) kick in elite athletes to set parameters to improve performance in its execution. Methods. A quantitative, observational, cross-sectional study with a descriptive scope was conducted on 21 elite male and female athletes. The data were captured using a 3D Motion Capture System in a movement analysis laboratory. Results. The time and impact speed had a mean of 0.37 s and 4.08 m/s respectively. This paper describes and discusses the most relevant arthrokinematics graphs from the lower limb in the KMG kick. There are differences with previous reports. Conclusion. This kick is faster than reported in other studies of Karate players. This is a complex gesture, whose description and understanding might optimize the training methods and improve the performance.

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Author Biographies

José David Vélez Uribe, Universidad CES

Master in Physiotherapy in Pediatrics. Teacher and researcher, Movement and Health Group, Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidad CES , Medellín, Colombia. E-mail:

Leidy Katherine González Madrigal, Universidad CES

Physiotherapist. Movement and Health Group, Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia. E-mail:

Duván Alexis Manquillo Tobón, Universidad CES

Physiotherapist. Movement and Health Group, Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia. E-mail:

Mateo Pérez Villegas, Universidad CES

Physiotherapist. Movement and Health Group, Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia. E-mail:

Juan Pablo Restrepo Arbeláez, Universidad CES

Physiotherapist. Movement and Health Group, Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia. E-mail:

Nicolás Eugenio Gómez Suárez, Universidad CES

Master in Biomedical Engineering. Bio-medical engineer. Teacher and researcher, Movement and Health Group, Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Vélez Uribe, J. D., González Madrigal, L. K., Manquillo Tobón, D. A., Pérez Villegas, M., Restrepo Arbeláez, J. P., & Gómez Suárez, N. E. (2021). Kinematic Analysis of the Kizami Mawashi Geri Kick in Elite Karate Players. Educación Física Y Deporte, 40(2), 155–176.



Research articles