A Foreigner in the Land of Football: Analysis of the Migration of Players to Brazil
international competition, Brazilian soccer, foreign players, sports migration, migration patterns, professional visibilityAbstract
This study analyzes the migration of foreign athletes competing in the Brazilian Serie A Football Championship. A descriptive study was conducted using documentary research and data collected from the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF). The results indicate a gradual increase in the number of foreign players until the 2014 season, a slight decrease in the following season and a significant increase in the 2016 season. It was also noted that in all seasons except 2005, Gremio was the club that received and counted on more foreigners. Argentina was the country with the highest number of migrant athletes playing in Brazilian soccer. It was concluded that the pattern of migration of foreigners in Brazilian football is predominantly continental and that the arrival of many South Americans in Brazil can be explained by the fact that they are looking for opportunities that offer better visibility in their career and that are not far from their home.
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