Crosscutting, interdisciplinary and learning, a triad that emerges from the spatial


  • Franklin Castillo Retamal Catholic University of Maule



Interdisciplinarity, learning, spatial, transversality


In its various educational phenomenon has characteristics and nuances throughout history have been framed by the narrowness of the classroom and on the limitations of the infrastructure of educational facilities. But this phenomenon is over the rigidity of the buildings and clouds of curriculum proposals and actions. It is presented as a moment of creation, discovery and expansion not being promoted is enclosed in a constrained world, unwelcoming and much less conspicuous to reach the sublime view of education that emphasizes the growth and development of Human Being In practical terms, preparing man for what should be and do here on this earth and at this time.

Enriched spaces, the staging of activities in unusual places, the confrontation with your fears and insecurities, the remote procedure but not orthodox sense, delivered according to this view a relevant alternative to the educational process and confer humanizing glimpses for purely human phenomenon.

This article is a research associate to research that addressed the ways that student teachers expressed on activities in nature.

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Author Biography

Franklin Castillo Retamal, Catholic University of Maule

Professor of Physical Education. Master of Education. Master in Human Motricity. Academic of the Department of Physical Education of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile.


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How to Cite

Castillo Retamal, F. (2011). Crosscutting, interdisciplinary and learning, a triad that emerges from the spatial. Educación Física Y Deporte, 29(2), 279–286.



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