Relationship between the flexibility of the hamstring and the strength of soleus muscle with jump and speed in ultimate frisbee players
antigravity jump, Wells test, maximum strength, deceleration, ultimate frisbee, university athletesAbstract
Problem: Reduction of hamstring flexibility is common in adolescents, associating with low back pain, disc herniation, and risk of muscle injuries. Ultimate frisbee implies accelerations and decelerations over short distances. The background reports injuries in the lower limbs, without correlating them with movement patterns such as strength, speed or jump. Objective: To determine the relationship between hamstring flexibility and the strength of the soleus muscle with jump and speed in ultimate frisbee players. Method: Descriptive and correlational study, with 103 university athletes from Medellin, Colombia. Information was collected through survey and observation. Flexibility, speed and jump were evaluated. Data were analyzed with SPSS® version 24.0. Results: Hamstring flexibility was positively correlated with speed, but inversely with jump. Conclusion: A greater flexibility of the hamstrings, greater speed development, but less jumping ability.
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