What Belongs to One’s Life and What Not: a Decadent Interpretation of Barba Jacob el mensajero by Fernando Vallejo
Vallejo, Fernando, Barba Jacob, Porfirio, Silva, José Asunción, Barba Jacob el mensajero, Chapolas negras, La rambla paralela, dandy in literature, biographyAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze the biography of Porfirio Barba Jacob for enquiring into the decadent and melancholic Latin-American dandy of the end of the XIX century that this poet was and into the actual dandy image of Fernando Vallejo. I attempt to understand the work Barba Jacob el Mensajero in relation to Vallejo's works La ramblaparalela and Chapolas negras to look into the story of own's and someoneelse's life.
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