The Poetic Representation of Identity: Blackness in Jorge Artel’s Tambores en la noche


  • Marcelo José Cabarcas Ortega University of Atlántico



black poetry, musicality, popular culture, Artel, Jorge, Tambores en la noche


Considering writing as a conflictive space allows us to have a close up on the tensions, negotiations, concessions and reconfigurations of the canon existing in texts that, according to the particular nature present in their representations, have dealt with the resistance of intellectual sectors that proclaim the Spanish culture as the axis of national identity. That is the case of Tambores en la noche, which reference to the black-musical Caribbean popular culture shows how new strategies can emerge in order to consolidate and validate alternative aesthetic expressions and projects within the borders of the literary field.

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How to Cite

Cabarcas Ortega, M. J. (2013). The Poetic Representation of Identity: Blackness in Jorge Artel’s Tambores en la noche. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (32), 73–86.


