Gabriel García Márquez and Álvaro Mutis: Historical-Fictional Dialogues
García Márquez, Gabriel, Mutis, Álvaro, transtextuality, historical discourse, fictionAbstract
From Gerard Genette’s transtextuality concept about the relationship between every text with other texts, this article studies the communicating vessels between Gabriel García Márquez’s novel El general en su laberinto (1989) and Álvaro Mutis’s shorts stories “El último rostro” (1978) and “Razón verídica de los encuentros y complicidades de Maqroll el Gaviero con el pintor Alejandro Obregón” (1993), and his short novel La última escala del Tramp Steamer (1989). The objective is to inquire how this textual relationship offers a resignification of this literary works and problematize the frontiers between historical and fictional discourses.
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