Sliding from Transgression and History in Cien años de soledad
García Márquez, Gabriel, Cien años de soledad, history, transgression, allegoryAbstract
Cien años de soledad (1967) was constructed as an allegory of the tale of biblical creation, the discovery of America and the history of the 20th century of Colombia. Thus, in the mythical universe of Macondo, transgression works as a touchstone or a fundamental axis in each of the moments recalled: incest, as a transgression on which western Judo-Christian culture lies; violation in which European civilization imposes itself on the New World; massacre as the foundation of recent Colombian history. Therefore, we aim to show how said elements combine in the construction of this allegory. Moreover, we are also interested in presenting how Cien años de soledad is located on a line of continuity with chronicle texts of the 16th century.
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