Pablo Montoya and Marcel Schwob: rewritings
Pablo Montoya, Marcel Schwob, literary critic, Colombian narrative, intertextualityAbstract
Marcel Schwob published a series of short stories between 1894 and 1896 titled Vies Imaginaires (Imaginary Lives) that would spawn a new literary genre known as fictional biography, which remains relevant to this day for its narrative and poetic possibilities. In Colombian literature, a “Schwobian” tone is evident in the work of Pablo Montoya and elements of fictional biography can be found in some of his texts, especially Adiós a los Próceres (Farewell to the Founding Fathers), a rewriting of these national heroes that celebrates and pays tribute to them but also approaches them with criticism and mistrust. This paper describes the genre as originally conceived by Schwob and how Montoya assimilates and reformulates it.
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