The search for the meaning of life in relation to the spaces in the work Los hombres invisibles by Mario Mendoza


  • Natalia Andrea Cardona Jaramillo Catholic University of the East



sense of life, colombian novel, urban space, jungle, psychotherapy


The following text has as purpose analyze the research for the meaning of life in relation with the spaces in the novel Los hombres invisibles, by the writer Mario Mendoza. For that it is taken as a reference the concept meaning of life from the Viktor Frankl’s and expositions and Alfred Längle in the Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, through which it is possible to demonstrate that finding the meaning of life is an imperative in the human being, and that sense, is determinant the spaces in which he sets and develops his life’s project.

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How to Cite

Cardona Jaramillo, N. A. (2019). The search for the meaning of life in relation to the spaces in the work Los hombres invisibles by Mario Mendoza. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (44), 151–164.