Cinema, the other Gabriel García Márquez’ Passion
PALABRAS CLAVE Gabriel García Márquez, cine lat KEY WORDS Gabriel García Márquez, latin american cinema, screenplay and script adaptation, PALABRAS CLAVE Gabriel García Márquez, cine latinoamericano, guion, adaptación KEY WORDS Gabriel García Márquez, latin american cinema, screenplay and script adaptationAbstract
Gabriel García Márquez considered literature and film to be two inseparable aspects, two sides of the same coin in which everything flowed and intertwined. For the Colombian Nobel Prize winner, the most important thing was to tell a story, regardless of the medium used. He was not prejudiced towards the different formats, since the main thing was to reach as many viewers as possible if the story was good. This article highlights the intertextuality between his written and cinematographic works, the latter being an integral part of his literary aesthetics.
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