The Century Literary Prizes in Colombia: A Periodization for the Twentieth Century
literary prizes, cultural sponsorship, Colombian writers, literary fieldAbstract
This article delves into the history of literary prizes in Colombia. Based on an inventory of over 300 literary contests created in the twentieth century, it proposes a periodization that traces the origins, peak, and decline of the phenomenon in the country. The paper underlines the difficulty of consolidating of a national prize culture and argues that the absence of the central state and publishing houses in the creation of contests was compensated by national and multinational corporate sponsors, as well as by cultural and university institutions of departmental origin. It is shown that the role of these new cultural sponsorships was decisive in the formation of a golden age of prizes between 1956 and 1979, which stimulated the work of writers and stirred up the literary field, yet ultimately proved unsustainable due to its inherent nature.
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