Donde se descomponen las colas de los burros [Where Donkeys’ Tails Decompose] (2008):
Carolina Vivas and Umbral Teatro Group’s Commitment to Memory Vindication
theater, Colombian contemporary literature, collective memory, state crimesAbstract
The article presents some aesthetic strategies used by Carolina Vivas and the Umbral Teatro group in the performance of the play Donde se descomponen las colas de los burros, to vindicate the memory of a historical fact: extrajudicial executions by the Colombian State. Four elements are approached as support for her (po)ethics of memory: the annotations, the interior time, the role of the mother in the unveiling of the truth and the river as a dramatic character. To this, the proposal of commiseration is articulated as a human act that allows to assume a subjective posture that distances itself from that of violent subjects. The article seeks to make a contribution by analyzing the play in both its textual and scenic dimensions.
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