The Universality of metaphor in art


  • Carlos Alberto Ospina Herrera Universidad de Caldas



artistic metaphorization, epiphora, diaphora, representation, expression, artistic medium, symbol


This paper will defend the universality of metaphor in art (Arthur Danto), against those who think (Davidson, Carrol, Vilar) that in art the attribution of expressive properties is literal and not metaphorical. The thesis that the artistic metaphor operates as a tensive symbol that points to meanings (epiphora) and at the same time creates presence (diaphora). Thanks to both elements art creates presence, creates reality or trans gurates the usual and gives it the sudden and amazing possibilities of presence, to which the spectator corresponds not only with the senses, but also with affection, understanding and imagination.

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Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Ospina Herrera, Universidad de Caldas

Departamento de Filosofía


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How to Cite

Ospina Herrera, C. A. (2010). The Universality of metaphor in art. Estudios De Filosofía, (41), 181–200.



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