Technical Artifacts: Which approach is best?




Technical artifacts, philosophy of technology, dual approach, Dual Nature of Technical Artifacts


The paper describes the strengths and weaknesses of the three dominant approaches in the ontological theories of technical artifacts, which are the approaches: (1) functional, (2) intentional and (3) dual. I will show it is not appropriate to focus solely on “functions” or “intentions” to formulate a general theory of artifacts. The dual approach should not miss out on material and structural elements, but must also be consistent with symbolic elements and context in which humans live.

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Author Biography

Álvaro David Monterroza Ríos, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano - ITM

Facultad de Ciencias
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano – ITM
Medellín, Colombia


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How to Cite

Monterroza Ríos, Álvaro D. (2011). Technical Artifacts: Which approach is best?. Estudios De Filosofía, (44), 169–192.



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