Method versus calculus in Newton's criticisms to Descartes and Leibniz




17th Century, philosophy of mathematics, Newton, Descartes, Leibniz


In this paper I will consider Newton’s views on mathematical method. Newton never wrote extensively about this issue. However, in his polemic writings addressed against Descartes and Leibniz he expressed the idea that his method was superior to the ones proposed by the French and the German. Considering these writings can help us in understanding the role attributed to algebra and calculus in Newton’s mathematical thought.

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Author Biography

Niccolò Guicciardini, Universidad de Siena

Departamento de Filosofía y Ciencias Sociales
Universidad de Siena
Siena, Italia


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How to Cite

Guicciardini, N. (2009). Method versus calculus in Newton’s criticisms to Descartes and Leibniz. Estudios De Filosofía, (39), 9–38.