Philosophy as Praxis and Dialogue [An Introduction to Hermeneutics since Plato]


  • Luis Eduardo Gama Barbosa Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá



Reminiscence, History, Praxis, Hermeneutics, Language


Philosophy, more than being a task that aims at creating and establishing an Absolute Theory of Truth, as was the case in the History of Philosophy itself of Cartesian thought, Hegelian thought, Husserlian thought, is among other things, an activity, that is, a Dialogic Praxis which is to be understood as an insertion in the middle of a road which others have already traveled, and this presupposes, immediately, a conception of Philosophy as a road of experience that is always open. Thus, the present article analyzes Philosophical work as a hermeneutical practice that is not only presented as a familiarization with tradition (the example of which is given by using the Platonic Theory of Reminiscence) but also as an inherent break with the said familiarization. Therefore, the article tries to present Philosophical Knowledge and Philosophical Work from a hermeneutical point of view, which as such entails conceiving them as a Dialogic Action through which the Philosophical Work is stimulated as Remembrance, that is, not just as a mere apprehension of concepts or as an establishment of adding up truths, but instead as a Human Praxis, were Philosophy and Hermeneutical Experience nd their true topos.

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Author Biography

Luis Eduardo Gama Barbosa, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá

Grupo de Investigación: La hermenéutica en la discusión filosófica contemporánea
Departamento de Filosofía
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

Gama Barbosa, L. E. (2008). Philosophy as Praxis and Dialogue [An Introduction to Hermeneutics since Plato]. Estudios De Filosofía, (38), 151–170.



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