Equality as a principle of justice: Philosophical reflections in the globalization era


  • Otfried Höffe Centro de Investigación Politische Philosophie




Justice, equality, global development, juridical order


The next article defends the thesis of an existing globalizing concept of justice despite the cultural differences. This concept is based on equality, looking for the establishment of a democratic global juridical order that guarantees justice administration inside and between States. The article offers a conceptual ground about the possibility of such order to be and also about the tasks and challenges that are founded in its pretention to establish some social and environmental protection criteria that look for the start of a global development policy.

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Author Biography

Otfried Höffe, Centro de Investigación Politische Philosophie

Centro de Investigación Politische Philosophie
Seminario de Filosofia de la Universidad de Tubinga
Tubinga, Alemania


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RAWLS, J. A Theory of Justice. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1971.



How to Cite

Höffe, O. (2008). Equality as a principle of justice: Philosophical reflections in the globalization era. Estudios De Filosofía, (37), 247–265. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.12731



Reflection article
