Recognition: a new democratic passion?


  • Monique Castillo Universidad de París XII



Politics and Recognition, Universalism, Political Philosophy, Democracy, Democratic Legitimacy, Multiculturalism, Charles Taylor, Dworkin, Walter


The expectancy for a Cultural Democracy that is able to face the intercultural challenge of the coexistence of cultures, the mediatization of knowledges and the migrations in the frame of globalization, is a factor of hope for a new moralization of Democracy. Nonetheless, we are still in the beginnings of the History of Recognition, at the stage where we ask still the following question: Do the representations of Recognition that are imposing themselves contribute to make democracies more fragile or do they rather contribute to strengthen democracies? My reflection will proceed to criticize the Relativistic Perspective and, then, that of the Victimary Perspective of Recognition, to emphasize the pure moral force of the imperative of inter-subjectivity, safe from any ideological recuperation. Thus the condition of cultural possibility of a relational universalism will be opened: In the beginning was relation.

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Author Biography

Monique Castillo, Universidad de París XII

Universidad de París XII
París, Francia


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How to Cite

Castillo, M. (2007). Recognition: a new democratic passion?. Estudios De Filosofía, (36), 205–221.



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