Plato's Criticism of Orator, Poets and Sophists. Milestones in the Conceptualization of Mimesis




Plato, mimesis, Gorgias, Republic, Sophist


This piece focuses on Plato's criticism of orators, poets and sophists. Its purpose is to show that independently of the characteristics that singulartze a battle of a great impact, fought by the Philosopher in three different fronts, the notion of imitation (mimesis) provides a guiding thread that enables bringing together these three fights and throwing light on Plato's reaction to those whom he considers, despisingly, as imitators. The adulatory practice of the orator in Gorgias, no less than the work of the poet that is deeply questioned in the Republic and that of the sophist in the homonymous dialogue would have, in effect, a mimetical nature. This is not an impediment to recognize, besides the continuity aspects, significant differences in the treatments of mimesi that the three dialogues here considered offer.

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Author Biography

Graciela Elena Marcos de Pinotti, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONlCET


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How to Cite

Marcos de Pinotti, G. E. (2006). Plato’s Criticism of Orator, Poets and Sophists. Milestones in the Conceptualization of Mimesis. Estudios De Filosofía, (34), 9–27.



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