The Blindness of Mortals. The Philosopher: between Human Jest and Divine Envy


  • María Cecilia Posada González Universidad de Antioquia



Blindness, philosopher, theory, vision, gods, contemplation, laughter


The first Philosophers were very conscious of the novelty that they introduced in the way they related to the World, which is, a change in perspective that distanced from the dose and the immediate, to approach everything contemplatively. From the predominance that vision had in the Greek tongue came terms and metaphors as the blindness of mortal people, which not only illustrate the contrast between the daily way of life and the philosophical one, but which dramatize it as the old anecdote on Thales. Why, both yesterday and today, is the Philosopher laughablefor the majority, while, he considers himself object of the envy o f the gods?

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Author Biography

María Cecilia Posada González, Universidad de Antioquia

Universidad de Antioquia


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Hegel, G W.F. Lecciones sobre la historia de la filosofía, Vol. 1. México, F.C.E., 1977.

Heidegger, Martín. ¿Qué significa pensar? Buenos Aires, Nova, 1972.

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Kirk y Raven. Los filósofos presocráticos. Madrid, Gredos, 1974.

Laercio, Diógenes. Vidas de filósofos. Vol. D. Barclona, Iberia, 1962.

Nietzsche, Federico. Cinco prólogos para cinco libros no escritos. Madrid, Arena libros., 1999.

Píndaro. Himnos triunfales. Barcelona, Iberia, 1968.

Platón. Obras completas. Madrid. Aguilar, 1977.

Ronchi, Rocco. La verdad en el espejo. Madrid, Akal, 1996



How to Cite

Posada González, M. C. (2006). The Blindness of Mortals. The Philosopher: between Human Jest and Divine Envy. Estudios De Filosofía, (34), 49–62.



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