The Aristotlelian individual. Between Particularity and Singularity


  • Luis Fernando Fallas López Universidad de Costa Rica



Aristotle, individual, singular, particular, entity, knowledge


A revision of the use and implications of the expression in a grest part of the aristotelian work is made. The treatises that make up the Organon have an especial interest in this study, but the ontological, cosmological, ethical, political and biological texts are not left inside. The said formula designares the individual in the Discursive Logic of the Stagirite, but the ways in which it is understood are not completely congruent; therefore there is a change from a singularism, that entails a unique and irreplaceable identity, and therefore unknowable for a part of science, to a particularism, this is, a vislon from an universalist perspective that converts Individuals in participants of common conditions, with which the cognitive problems are solved, even though the Potency of Individuation, which could be in its pretended singularity, is left suspended. A fundamental pretense of this paper is to show how in Aristotelianism there is a strong universalist tendency as a formula to solve the apories that arise from individuation, and that therefore it is Formalism, which no doub arouse from Platonism which is to define the modes par excellence of access lo the real tangible.

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Author Biography

Luis Fernando Fallas López, Universidad de Costa Rica

Universidad de Costa Rica


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How to Cite

Fallas López, L. F. (2006). The Aristotlelian individual. Between Particularity and Singularity. Estudios De Filosofía, (34), 147–185.



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